To Foster, Develop and Promote Netball by providing Enjoyment and Recreation for all Participants

Representative and Umpire Documents to come

Links below

At North Canterbury Netball Centre we want to ensure all participants have an enjoyable experience.  This includes, players, coaches, umpires, volunteers and spectators.

NCNC follow the rules as determined by Netball NZ and th​​​​​​​e Mainland Zone.  Some we have adapted so that they reflect the netball we have at North Canterbury Netball.

Netball should be fun and enjoyable and the challenge relevant to the person taking part.

Please be supportive and positive to all.

North Canterbury Netball Centre is committed to keeping children and young people healthy and safe. We may share information with appropriate agencies (such as health and education providers or other agencies involved with your child’s life) if sharing that information may/is likely to protect or improve the safety, health or well-being of the child. Our agency can always legally share information with Oranga Tamariki and the Police.