Woolworths futureFERNS Year 3 & 4
The focus for this age group is learning basic skills in a modified game of 5-a-side, using two-thirds of a Netball court. The programnme is designed to be fast and fun, maximising participation. Five players in each team and rotating positions ensures everyone gets an equal chance to develop their skills.
Games are played on two weekday afternoons:
Thursday is for Year 3 and Year 4 - more experienced teams.
Friday is for Year 3 and Year 4 - less experienced teams.
This is an 8 week programme run in Term 2 and 3 followed by festival days on Thursday 31 July & Friday 01 August.
VENUE: Games are held indoors at MainPower Stadium
Round 1: Start 4.15pm - tbc finish
Round 2: Start 5.15pm - tbc finish
Round 1: Start 3.40pm - tbc finish
Round 2: Start 4.25pm - tbc finish
OPENING DAYS: Thursday 01 & Friday 02 May 2025
FINAL DAYS: Thursday 31 July & Friday 01 August 2025 (Festival Days)
PLEASE NOTE: There WILL BE NO NETBALL ON Thursday 29 & Friday 30 May (Kings Birthday), Thursday 19 & Friday 20 June (Matariki) or Thursday 10 & Friday 11 July (School Holidays) 2025.
All teams on the first round must supply one adult to help us set up.
All teams on the last round must supply one adult to help us pack up.
- Warm up can be completed on the spare space on each court
- Teams are to go into an activity to continue to warm up and re-affirm activity from practice.
- Then the Kiwi Whistlers are to come out and start the games as per the Round times above.
- The game consists of 4x 8 minute quarters, with 2 minute breaks between each quarter.
- There is only a few minutes between the end of one game and the start of the next, so we ask that the team just finished leave the court asap and complete their warm-down and team chat in the spare court space.
REMINDER: Netball NZ Rules, all players available on the day should get a minimum of 50% playing time.
All players must register with a Club - Click here to see a list of clubs and contact details.